
Product development with the help of 3D printing

Product development is of immeasurable value in the lifecycle of any product. Prototyping, testing, innovating and debugging are essential to creating the right product for the right market.

3D printing represents the perfect choice at this stage of the product lifecycle. By producing functional prototypes quickly and cost-effectively, 3D printing offers the ability to streamline the design and development process. As a result, it helps create products with higher standards while maximizing productivity and profitability.

Whether it's speed, realism or durability, 3D printing has changed the way products are efficiently manufactured and perfected.

Advantages of Additive Manufacturing for product development

Workflow improvement

The ability to bring conceptual design, prototyping and even tooling in-house drastically streamlines the typical product development workflow.
It allows for both better design and testing of properties as well as increased speed.
No more long transport routes and delivery times and no more dependencies on external manufacturers, thanks to the technology of 3D printing!

Cost reduction

The cost efficiency of Additive Manufacturing is one of its greatest advantages. With traditional options or outsourcing the creation of models, prototypes and various product variations the costs can quickly add up.
The 3D printer may be a costly investment at the beginning. However, with the ability to save up to 70 % of production costs, the return on investment is achieved in no time!

More freedom

Through lower costs and less time involved in production there are more options for designing. This allows designers to make multiple variations in the same amount of time, perform tests and corrections on them and finally settle on the best of these variations.
3D printing offers the opportunity to have more freedom in design, more time for extensive testing, and more chances to use creativity!


3D printing is one of the best tools for product development. It opens a world of possibilities for building concept models and functional prototypes, reduces costs and waiting times, and enables designers to find better solutions and test their designs in real time!