
Into the future with polymer powders - Evonik INFINAM® powder materials

Evonik Industries AG, one of the world's largest specialty chemical companies, has been active in the production of materials for additive manufacturing for some time. In 2022, Evonik introduced several INFINAM® photopolymers (resin) and a PEEK filament, which quickly conquered the market.

However, long before these products came onto the market, Evonik was already producing polymer powders for additive manufacturing. As an OEM, or Original Equipment Manufacturer, Evonik has dominated the field of PA12 powders for decades, which are used by leading manufacturers of powder-based additive manufacturing systems.

The INFINAM® powder range was extensively launched during Formnext in November. Since then, these powders have been available through selected distributors, including us as the preferred reseller in the EU, Switzerland, Norway and the United Kingdom. They have already made a significant impact on the market.

The purpose of this blog post is to introduce the different types of polymer powders in the INFINAM® range, briefly explain their features and benefits, and highlight the ideal applications for each powder. Enough about the foreword, let's dive into the diverse world of INFINAM® powders!


The INFINAM® powder range includes PA 6004 P, a fine, white powder made from polyamide 12, which has been specifically developed for applications requiring flame retardant components. Classified as V0@2mm according to the globally recognized UL 94 standard, this material extinguishes flames within a maximum of 10 seconds and guarantees an afterglow time of up to 30 seconds.

In addition to its flame retardant properties, PA 6004 P also offers exceptional resistance to a wide range of chemicals, making it ideal for high temperature use with a melting point of 185°C.

Thanks to its heat and chemical resistance, INFINAM® PA 6004 P is particularly suitable for applications in demanding conditions, especially in the automotive and aerospace industries, where these properties are invaluable.


The main characteristic of INFINAM® PA 6005 P, a white powder based on polyamide 613, is its remarkable heat resistance up to 215 °C. In addition, PA 6005 P exhibits very high stiffness and impact resistance, resulting in above-average corrosion resistance.

Evonik has extensively tested all these properties, especially with a view to a long service life. Users can therefore be confident that components made from PA 6005 P will deliver top performance not only in the short term, but also in the long term.

This long-lasting and high-quality performance applies in various industries. The automotive industry mainly benefits from these properties, but the oil and gas industry can also benefit from the characteristics of PA 6005 P, including very low water absorption, to replace metal parts.


With INFINAM® PA 6006 P, Evonik has enhanced the excellent properties of polyamide 12 by adding glass bead filling. This addition maximizes stiffness, surface finish and wear resistance, and almost completely minimizes shrinkage of the part.

In addition to these improvements, INFINAM® PA 6006 P also offers excellent detailing, which together with the deep black color provides an ideal basis for high-quality visual models. In addition, it improves the fluidity of the material, increasing printing speed and process stability in the production of 3D printed components.

The use of glass bead filling in PA 6006 P ensures maximum resilience and excellent aesthetics. This makes it suitable for end-use components, such as in the aerospace industry, as well as for functional prototypes and illustrative models.


Flexibility is central to INFINAM® TPA 4006 P. Evonik has developed this high-performance polymer for components that require rubber-like properties, with fantastic impact strength and resilience.

INFINAM® TPA 4006 P not only offers excellent resistance to most chemicals, but also a high-resolution surface. The material also provides very high detail accuracy, allowing even the smallest details to be manufactured with the highest quality.

With TPA 4006 P the rule of thumb is: if an application requires flexibility, this material can provide it. Whether shoe soles, mobile phone covers, dampers or handles - with TPA 4006 P, elastic components are created effortlessly.


The Evonik INFINAM® TPC 8008 P enables flexibility in production in two ways. On the one hand, the TPC 8008 P produces components with high flexibility and excellent resilience. On the other hand, it can be processed with all common powder-based 3D printing technologies, such as HSS, SLS, MJF and more.

But the TPC 8008 P is not only distinguished by its flexibility. It is also resistant to most chemicals and moisture. In addition, the TPC 8008 P offers a unique combination of elasticity and toughness that has not been achieved before.

TPC 8008 P also offers application versatility. Whether for consumer goods, automotive parts or medical applications with short-term skin contact - the TPC 8008 P embodies flexibility not only in words, but also in deeds!


As an OEM, Evonik has made its mark in additive manufacturing, with its photopolymers and PEEK filament. With the expansion of the INFINAM® series of polymer powders, this influence will only increase. Evonik uses its extensive experience in specialty chemicals and as an OEM of polymer powders to ensure the highest possible quality in this powder series.

This quality does not only extend to the mechanical properties or appearance of the components. The INFINAM® powder series also places special emphasis on climate friendliness and cost-effectiveness. Several PA materials in the series offer a 100% recycling rate and a 70/30 refresh rate (old powder/new powder), giving Evonik a competitive edge in this area.

Evonik's influence will undoubtedly continue to grow in the future. The company continues to expand its materials portfolio. We are very curious about the next innovations that Evonik has in store for us!