
Aakash Healthcare - Correcting Scoliosis Deformity


Aakash Healthcare - Correcting Scoliosis Deformity

A 12-year-old girl from Kyrgyzstan came to Aakash Healthcare, New Delhi because she suffered from a rare condition that affects approximately three children in every one hundred thousand called Progressive Scoliosis Dorsolumbar. Dorsal scoliosis affects the portion of the spine between the bottom of the neck and the top of the pelvis and causes a severe curvature. In her case, a 130 degree curve, in addition to pelvic misalignment caused by different-sized hips, was causing severe pain that left her unable to walk and was only getting worse.


CHU de Brest - Improving Surgical Planning


CHU de Brest - Improving Surgical Planning

This case study is about the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) de Brest in western Brittany, France. For a long time, the hospital used traditional methods to produce preoperative models and had individual, more complex models produced by 3D printing service providers. Now, the CHU de Brest wanted to be able to print the models entirely by itself.

Find out why the J5 MediJet® was the best solution for this!


Creighton University - Medical Training for Breast Biopsies


Creighton University - Medical Training for Breast Biopsies

This use case is about Creighton University and its Department of Radiology, which was looking for a new way to create realistic models for breast biopsy training. Conventional methods could not provide the required realism.

Discover how the J5 Digital Anatomy™ was able to fulfill this need!


Florida Pedriatic Hospital - Growing Simulation Capabilities


Florida Pedriatic Hospital - Growing Simulation Capabilities

Being a pioneer in any endeavor takes courage and determination, but it also requires leadership and vision. It’s a path a Florida children’s hospital is forging. The medical director of the Center for Medical Simulation and Innovative Education at the hospital is an avowed proponent of 3D printing and sees this technology as essential for research and education for the sake of improved care. “When I came here, this was part of my goal, to be able to utilize 3D printing as exactly that; a tool to help improve outcomes for patients and the education for clinicians.”


Hirsh Prototypes - Serial Production for Medical Industry


Hirsh Prototypes - Serial Production for Medical Industry

For more than 40 years, Hirsh Prototypes, an Israel-based service bureau, has primarily focused on high-quality rapid prototyping and low-volume serial production for medical device companies. “We manufacture parts for medical equipment such as endoscopes or catheters.” says Nadav Hirsh, mechanical engineer and CTO of Hirsh Prototypes. “Each medical customer has their own quality system, and we want to tailor our services to meet their specific needs,” explains Dor Yaakobi, the head of SLA department at Hirsh.


Institute of Cancer Research - Developing a Cancer Treatment


Institute of Cancer Research - Developing a Cancer Treatment

Craig Cummings, an engineer who has devoted his work to cancer research since 1988, runs the 3D print lab at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and its clinical partner, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, as its research and design workshop manager in London. Craig oversees a team of four, manufacturing a range of medical instruments, phantoms, and devices. He works alongside researchers such as Amin Mirza, an analytical chemist who has worked with Craig since 2000, to support the ICR’s and The Royal Marsden’s cancer research and treatment development.


Nicklaus Children's Hospital - Saving a young patient's Life


Nicklaus Children's Hospital - Saving a young patient's Life

At Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami, the Cardiovascular Surgery Advanced Projects Laboratory (APL) uses a range of digital 3D technologies, including Stratasys® 3D printers, to visualize anatomy and plan surgical procedures for pediatric patients. A previous case study featured Nicklaus Children’s application of 3D printing to help repair a child’s heart, showing the great potential using of anatomical models in clinical settings. The latest Nicklaus Children’s success story involves planning a life-saving operation for Roy, an 8-year-old boy with a difficult-to-treat tumour.


Proteo - Gamechanger for 3D Printed Prosthetics


Proteo - Gamechanger for 3D Printed Prosthetics

Proteo is a Polish company specialising in patient-specific exoprostheses. Proteo is one of the first companies to successfully apply 3D printing, CAD modelling and 3D scanning to lower limb prostheses. The DuoSocket prosthesis marks the next stage in the development of the company's products, with which Proteo aims to revolutionise the manufacture of prostheses worldwide.

Discover how AMT's de-noising solution was able to support this goal in this use case.


SDU Hospital - Improving Planning and Research


SDU Hospital - Improving Planning and Research

This case study is about the University Hospital of the Syddansk Universite, often abbreviated as SDU. After setting up an in-house 3D printing lab a few years ago to produce medical models, the hospital was looking for a new solution to create models with multiple materials, without using labor-intensive conventional methods.

Discover why the J5 MediJet® was the ideal solution for SDU.