Dental Glidewell Dental - Leveling up Productivity View Dental Glidewell Dental - Leveling up Productivity This use case is about Glidewell Dental, one of the largest manufacturers of crowns, bridges, dentures, implants, and more for dentists around the world. When it came to surgical guides, Glidewell Dental had the challenge that their old printing equipment caused inconsistency and thus residue. Find out how the J3 DentaJet™ was able to overcome this challenge
Dental New England Orthodontic Laboratory - Game-changing Model Making View Dental New England Orthodontic Laboratory - Game-changing Model Making Tijdens een bezoek aan Christian Saurman, de CEO van NEO Lab, wilde het Stratasys® team ontdekken hoe onze technologieën het dagelijkse werk gemakkelijker konden maken voor de 120 medewerkers die werken met ongeveer 3.000 orthodontische en kindertandartspraktijken in het hele land. Saurman legde uit hoe tijdrovend en rommelig het is om acrylapparaten te maken met een traditionele scheidingsvloeistof, omdat deze zorgvuldig aangebracht moet worden en vaak rond het model bloedt. Het duurt ook langer om te drogen en omdat het moeilijk is om het apparaat van het model te verwijderen, kan het model gemakkelijk breken.
Dental Nexus Dental Laboratory - Eliminating IPA from Post-Processing View Dental Nexus Dental Laboratory - Eliminating IPA from Post-Processing 3D printing technology plays a crucial role in the Nexus Dental Lab workflow, enabling the company to produce higher quality dental restorations and models more efficiently than ever before. However, they faced several challenges with resin removal using isopropyl alcohol (IPA), as this process was not only time-consuming and inconsistent, but also unsustainable and dangerous for employees. Discover how the DEMI 400™ was able to solve this problem in this use case!
Dental OkMOM - Providing patients in need View Dental OkMOM - Providing patients in need The Oklahoma Mission of Mercy (OkMOM) is a two-day free dental clinic that provides treatment to patients who lack insurance or adequate insurance or who would not normally have access to dental care. Find out how partnering with Stratasys® has helped treat more patients in less time in this use case!
Dental Oxy Implant - Digital Implantation Process View Dental Oxy Implant - Digital Implantation Process Since it was established in 1990, Oxy Implant has stayed at the forefront of digitalization as it has become a larger part of the overall dental industry. With the industry’s paradigm putting the prosthesis at the center of the rehabilitation plan, the best practice workflows must run backwards from the desired prosthetic outcome to develop a plan for achieving this goal. To respond to this change, Biomec began to work on implant fixtures with designs optimized for this type of working philosophy. An implant line was developed that exclusively accommodates the needs of digital implantology, the Fixo™ Line.
Dental Posca Brothers - Digitalizing the Dental Workflow View Dental Posca Brothers - Digitalizing the Dental Workflow A dental laboratory based in Long Beach, California, was one of the first labs to adopt TrueDent™, Stratasys®’ new resin for 3D printing of dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. The lab, Posca Brothers, is run by owners Alex Posca, President, and AJ Posca, who serves as the Vice President and Director of Operations and was founded by their grandfather. “After 65 years of servicing dental professionals, I am part of the third generation responsible for running this laboratory and ushering it into the digital and 3D printing age,” AJ explained.
Dental Protec Dental - Boosting Production and Cutting Costs View Dental Protec Dental - Boosting Production and Cutting Costs Protec Dental Laboratories has grown since its founding in 1973 to become one of Canada's largest full-service dental laboratories. This development has come about in particular through a constant eye on technological changes, which has always kept Protec Dental at the cutting edge of dental care. Find out how the Origin One Dental has improved dental care even further!
Dental PS Dentallabor Linz - Revolutionizing Dental Care View Dental PS Dentallabor Linz - Revolutionizing Dental Care Established more than 20 years ago, PS Dental Laboratory Linz is a leading expert in the production of dental prosthetics in Linz, Austria. In response to feedback from dentists and dental labs, the dental lab invested in new digital equipment and technology, including 3D printing. Over the past few years, the dental lab has become an expert in 3D printing for dental models, but it lacked the layer accuracy and full-color printing capabilities needed to produce customized dental models.
Dental Renew Dental - Bringing Smiles back with TrueDent™ View Dental Renew Dental - Bringing Smiles back with TrueDent™ Renew Dental in Phoenix, Arizona, offers patients high-quality dental care, including TrueDent™ dentures. Candice Baier-Gregory came to Renew Dental for precisely these dentures, as her traditionally manufactured dentures did not provide the stability she needed to smile with confidence in her daily life. Find out how TrueDent™ finally provided the patient with perfectly fitting dentures!
Dental Schollmeier Dental - Consistency and Safety View Dental Schollmeier Dental - Consistency and Safety Schollmeier Dental is a renowned dental laboratory based in Hannover, Germany, and employs a team of around 80 professionals. As Schollmeier Dental looked further into 3D printing technology, the challenge of efficient post-processing became apparent. Discover how Schollmeier Dental used the DEMI 400™ for this in this use case!